ground conductor

ground conductor
жила заземления; провод заземления

English-Russian dictionary of terminology cable technology.

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Смотреть что такое "ground conductor" в других словарях:

  • ground conductor — įžeminimo laidas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. earth lead; earth wire; ground conductor; ground wire vok. Erdleitung, f; Erdungsleitung, f rus. заземляющий провод, m; провод заземления, m pranc. conducteur de mise à la terre, m; …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Ground (electricity) — In electrical engineering, ground or earth may be the reference point in an electrical circuit from which other voltages are measured, or a common return path for electric current, or a direct physical connection to the Earth. A typical earthing… …   Wikipedia

  • Ground loop (electricity) — In an electrical system, a ground loop usually refers to a current, generally unwanted, in a conductor connecting two points that are supposed to be at the same potential, often ground, but are actually at different potentials. Ground loops… …   Wikipedia

  • ground wire — įžeminimo laidas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. earth lead; earth wire; ground conductor; ground wire vok. Erdleitung, f; Erdungsleitung, f rus. заземляющий провод, m; провод заземления, m pranc. conducteur de mise à la terre, m; …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • ground — ground1 [ground] n. [ME grund < OE, ground, bottom, akin to Ger grund, ON grunnr: for IE base see GRIND] 1. a) Obs. the lowest part, base, or bottom of anything b) the bottom of a body of water 2. the surface of the earth, specif. the solid… …   English World dictionary

  • ground wire — ☆ ground wire n. a wire acting as a conductor from an electric circuit, antenna, etc. to a ground …   English World dictionary

  • Ground and neutral — For uses of the term ground or earth in electricity but not in the context of mains wiring, see ground (electricity). Since the neutral point of an electrical supply system is often connected to earth ground, ground and neutral are closely… …   Wikipedia

  • Conductor pipe — The Conductor Pipe[1] is a large diameter pile that is set into the ground to provide the initial stable structural foundation for a borehole or oil well. It can also be referred to as a drive pipe because it is often driven into the ground with… …   Wikipedia

  • ground connection — Elect. the conductor used to establish a ground. Also called grounding connection. * * * ground connection, the electric wire or other conductor used to produce a ground …   Useful english dictionary

  • ground — ground1 groundable, adj. groundably, adv. groundedly, adv. groundedness, n. groundward, groundwards, adv., adj. /grownd/, n. 1. the solid surface of the earth; firm or dry land: to fall to the ground. 2. earth or soil: stony ground. 3. land hav …   Universalium

  • Ground loop — The term ground loop has more than one meaning:* Ground loop (electricity), in electrical engineering and electronics, refers to an unwanted electrical current that flows in a conductor connecting two points that are supposed to be at the same… …   Wikipedia

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